home visit business

support background

  • Increase in the number of foreigners/multicultural families and patients with severe emergencies
  • Improve quality of life by relieving loneliness through the malt of the naked body

Main contents of business

division Business information note
Medication agency service Dosing service to provide convenience of medical use to subjects with reduced mobility or the elderly
Chronic disease management Blood pressure by visiting the patient's home, Home-based chronic disease management that checks and manages pulse and blood sugar tests
Disease counseling and education Nurses visit more than once a month to provide counseling and education for the target patient
Linking treatment through early detection of disease Dementia with regular visits, Early detection and treatment of diseases such as cerebrovascular diseases, check, Dosing Linkage Management
accompanying medical care Hospital treatment on behalf of guardians, check, hospitalization ·Accompanying discharge
hospital room visit Visiting the hospital room for emotional support
Community Engagement Help in connection with local community resources when problems arise that are difficult to solve on their own(City Hall, Public Health, health center, etc.)


  • Recipients of basic livelihood among senior citizens aged 65 and over living alone and unsupported seniors in Sangju, second highest tier
